
Cai, T., Zhao, Z., D’Asaro, E., Wang, J., & Fu, L. L. (2024). Internal tide variability off Central California: multiple sources, seasonality, and eddying background. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(8), e2024JC020892.

Conference Presentations

Cai, T., Zhao, Z., D’Asaro, E., Wang, J., Fu, L. Internal Tide Variability off Central California Observed by SWOT Pre-launch moorings and Satellite Altimetry: Multiple Sources, Seasonality, and Eddying Background. Poster presented at: AGU Ocean Science Meeting; Feberuray, 2024; New Orleans, LA, USA.

Poster presentation at OSM 2024.

Cai, T., Zhao, Z., D’Asaro, E. Mesoscale Field, Internal Tides, and Fronts in IOPI NAVO Glider data. Poster presented at: S-MODE Science Team Meeting; November, 2023; NASA Ames Conference Center (NACC), Mountain View, CA, USA.

Group photo of 2023 S-MODE Science Team Meeting.

Cai, T., Zhao, Z., D’Asaro, E. Seasonality of internal tides in changing ocean from Argo floats. Poster presented at: Graduate Climate Conference; October, 2022; Pack Forest, WA, USA.

Group photo of all participants of Graduate Climate Conference 2022.

Cai, T., Zhao, Z., D’Asaro, E., Wang, J., Fu, L. Time‑Varying internal tides revealed by mooring measurements in SWOT Cal/Val pre‑Launch field campaign 2019. Poster presented at: AGU Ocean Science Meeting; March, 2022; Virtual.

2-min introduction at poster section of Ocean Science Meeting, 2022.

Cai, T., Cai, H. The impact of estuary shape on energy transport in divergent estuaries. Poster presented at: Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Meeting (PECS); October, 2018; Galveston, TX, USA.

(Left) I am with my advisor Prof. Huayang Cai. (Right) Discussion.

Chen, Y., Cai, T., Lin, J. The fishery resources of the southern East China Sea in the late 17th century as retrieved from the ancient Chinese” Catalog of Marine Creatures”. Poster presented at: EGU General Assembly Conference; April, 2018; Vienna, Austria.

Invited Talks

Cai, T. Time‑Varying internal tides revealed by mooring measurements in SWOT Cal/Val pre‑Launch field campaign 2019. Oral presented at Professor Huayang Cai’s Lab Meeting, School of Marine Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University; December, 2022; Zhuhai, China.

Cai, T. From estuaries to ocean. Oral presented at: Graduate Student Conference, School of Marine Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University; May, 2022; Zhuhai, China.