Polar Science Weekend

Volunteer (Pacific Science Center, Seattle, WA, USA. March 2024

  • Invite kids and family to explore Arctic soundscapes with Listening to the Arctic
(Left) I am introducing beared seal with the its sounds record from the hydrophone. Credit: Harry Stern. (Right) Watchdog station.

Students Explore Aquatic Sciences Open House

Student Volunteer (University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. May 2022

  • Introduce turbulence, thermal convection, internal waves lab experiments to the public
(Left & Middle) Buoyancy-driven convection. (Right) I am introducing "fish"-driven turbulence.

No More Atlantis

Student Volunteer (Lund, Sweden. November 2017)

  • Assisted Senior Researcher Jing Li from Lunds Tekniska Högskola in conference preparation and communicated with attending professors regarding flood problems
Group photos of main organizers of *No more Atlantis*.

Sustainable development on Kálamos Island

Volunteer (Kálamos, Greece. December 2017 - January 2018)

  • Analyzed the quantity and population structure of Monk Seal as well as human interference behaviors for Terra Sylvestris, a non‑governmental organization.
  • Delivered reports to relevant governmental authorities to encourage measures and policies for preserving and improving the island’s biological diversity based on the analysis
(Left) Preparing a boat trip to the Seal cave. (Center) Downloading tracking camera data of Monk Seals. (Right) Celebrating Christmas with NGO's leaders.

PDT Food Collective

Co-founder (Guangzhou, China. September 2016 - June 2018)

  • PDT, standing for ”Pomme deTerre”, is an advocacy organization focused on ”transitioning sustainable food systems”
  • Create plans for implementing PDT and establishing a connection between PDT and local communities. This involves organizing community events aimed at raising public awareness about sustainable food practices and educating people on daily actions they can take to support sustainability
I am introducing PDT to the community.

Sea Elf Volunteer Association, SYSU

Organizer (Guangzhou, China. September 2016 - June 2018)

  • Directed the Department of Publicity to produce materials for calling for protection of marine creatures, especially the Chinese White Dolphin.
  • Initiated and managed the association’s official WeChat account, where volunteer activities and knowledge popularization materials for marine creature’s protection were regularly posted
(Top Left) Poster of Sea Elf Volunteer Association. (Top Right) Volunteer lectures at Jishan Primary School. (Bottom Left) Chinese White Dolphin watching tour in Zhuhai. (Bottom Right) Advocate the protection of marine creatures to the public.