This is the place where I can share the other side of myself!


Hometown: Guangzhou, China

I had a happy and normal childhood with those who loved me the most. Even though I was an only child, I never felt lonely because of the love that surrounded me.

When I was a kid, I used to play on the campus where I later attended undergraduate school; Sun Yat-sen University.

Main campus of SYSU.

Lund, Sweden

After studying in the same place for 20 years, I felt a strong desire to explore the world outside. This led me to apply for an exchange program in Lund, Sweden - a place where every girl’s dream of being a princess comes true. My experience at Lund University was incredible, and I had the opportunity to meet many amazing people. During the Christmas break, I seized the opportunity to volunteer in Greece and also traveled around Europe on a budget.

Incredible time in Lund.
Travel alone around Europe on a budget.

Stanford, CA

My incredible time in Sweden opened me up to diverse people, inclusive cultures, and the world beyond. The opportunity to attend graduate school at the prestigious Stanford University felt like a dream come true. Though I had moments of self-doubt about my sense of belonging among such intelligent peers, I was thrilled by the kindness I received and the new person I became through learning from not only top-notch scholars but also all the experiences I went through.

(Left) Photo with President of Stanford University, Marc Tessier-Lavigne. (Right) Orientation introduction.
(Left) Group photo of CEE262B offered by Stephen Monismith. (Middle) Photos with friends at Stanford. (Right) Graduation day.
Fall gathering at Elisa's place.

Additionally, I spent the challenging years of the pandemic there, alongside everyone else. Although it was not the ideal studying experience, it was certainly a unique one. I am grateful for all the supportive people who came together to weather that difficult time with me.

(Left) EFM weekly meeting. Credit: Stephen Monismith. (Right) Course CEE262C: *Coastal Ocean Modeling* offered by Oliver Fringer.

Seattle, WA

Although I miss the California sunshine, Seattle brings color to my life with its spring blossoms, lush greens in the summer, and skiing opportunities in the winter. Of course, the rain you cannot miss.



In high school, I wasn’t a runner. But destiny had other plans for me. A classmate got injured right before our school’s sporting games day, leaving a vacant spot in the 800-meter race. Encouraged by my teacher, I hesitated but eventually accepted the challenge. With just a few days to prepare, I trained diligently after school. On the big day, I mustered the courage to participate and surprised myself with a strong finish. That race revealed my hidden potential and sparked a passion for long-distance running.

For eight years, running became my daily ritual, providing not only physical rewards but also precious moments for self-reflection. The rhythm of each stride allowed my thoughts to flow freely, offering clarity and inspiration. Yet, running was never a solitary pursuit. The camaraderie I found while running with others forged lasting friendships, built upon our shared love for the sport.

Extra fun when running with friends who share a common interest.


My love for cooking extends beyond the kitchen; I find inspiration and excitement by watching shows like Master Chef, pairing them with my own delectable creations. For me, cooking is not just a job; it’s a dream come true. Even after standing for eight hours, tirelessly preparing food, I feel no fatigue. What truly brings me joy is witnessing the happiness and satisfaction on the faces of those who indulge in the dishes I create. Before college, I took a leap towards my dream by obtaining a junior cook certificate after attending a brief culinary school. As I look ahead, my heart is filled with hope and determination to continue pursuing my dream.


(Left) Rattlesnake, WA. (Middle two) Glacier National Park, MT. (Right) Point Reyes, CA.


= Winter hiking.


Invited by the conductor of Seattle Symphony, Sunny Xia.
Rafting Day at Flathead River, MT.


From a young age, I have been fortunate that my parents instilled in me a love for travel. It has been a transformative experience, revealing the bountiful fruits and captivating wonders that await us in every corner of the world. Through my travels, I have witnessed the breathtaking beauty of different landscapes, immersed myself in diverse cultures, and gained a profound understanding of life beyond my own.

These journeys have humbled me, reminding me of my insignificance in the face of the awe-inspiring power and magnificence of nature. They have broadened my horizons and enriched my perspective, allowing me to appreciate the boundless diversity that exists across our planet.


(Left) Sanya, China. (Middle) Guilin, China. (Right) Beijing, China.
(Left) Macao, China. (Middle) Hongkong, China. (Right) Shanghai, China.

Europe & Africa

(Top Left) Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Top Middle) Paris, France.(Top Right) Equator across Kenya. (Bottom Left) The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. (Bottom Right) In hot air ballon, Turkey.

United States

(Top Left) Washington DC. (Top Right) Stanford Hopkins Marine Station, Monterey, CA. (Bottom Left) New York City, NY. (Bottom Right)Point Reyes, CA.