Sub‑Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment (S‑MODE) IOP2

Research Assistant (North Pacific ocean. April 7, 2023 - May 4, 2023)

  • R/V Sally Ride, 26 days at sea
  • Assist to deploy Lagrangian floats and APEX floats, convey underwater CTD (uCTD) transaction survey and collect water sample from CTD cast
(Left) Me with Lagrangian floats. (Right Three) EcoCTD Day Team: Emerson Hasbrounck, Jessica Caggiano, Trina Litchendorf, Dipanjan Chaudhuri, and me.
(Left) Daily control center meeting. View from lab in R/V Sally Ride. (Middle) Deployment of the Lagrangian float. (Right) Logo of SMODE.
(Left & Middle) Recovery of Sea Glider in R/V Sally Ride. (Right) Wave Glider Kevin. Photo courtesy: Kelly Luis.
(Left) Aircraft NBC-G-III. (Middle) Route of R/V Sally Ridge on April 25, 2023. (Right) R/V Sally Ridge from aircraft B-200. Photo courtesy: SMODE Team.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Summer Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Student Attendant (virtual. June, 2020 - July, 2020)

  • Attended lectures given and discussions led by such scholars as John A. Whitehead, Joe Pedlosky, Pascale Garaud on a variety of topics, including instability, chaos, turbulence and mixing in and at GFD, stirring, mixing and swimming at GFD, confounding complexities in Rayleigh Bénard Convection
Screenshot of online lecture during summer, 2020.

Coastal hydrodynamics field studies

Student Attendant (Skåne län, Sweden. November 2017 - December 2017)

  • Studied the severely corroded south coast of Skåne län in light of improper local human behavior and measured beach profile information by global positioning system equipment
  • Completed the following MATLAB assignments: 1) correcting wind speed data for different standing positions; and 2) calculating wave height and wave direction changes from deep sea waves to shallow sea breaker and designing proper caisson breakwater and rubble breakwater according to near‑shore wave data
Excursion on Professor Hans Hansons brygga.
(Left & Middle) Geology course excursion. (Right) Lunch at Professor Hansons's summer house after excursion.

Cognitive field training in Pearl River Estuary

Student Attendant (Guangzhou, China. July 2016 - July 2018)

  • Acquired collecting and sampling skills of geography, water systems, sediment movement, and hydraulic conditions as well as equipment usage including YSI, ADCP, OSB and LISST
  • Processed water sample for dissolved O2, Organic carbon (TOC), Chl‑a, plankton restoring, sediment sorting, LISST calibration
(Left) Processed water sample. (Middle & Right) In situ measurement of temperature, salinity, velocity, turbidity etc in PRE.
(Left) Collect water sample nearshore of Zhuhai. (Middle) Sediment sorting and weighting. (Right) Beach profiling in Shenzhen.